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III . 完形填空。 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A 、 B 、 C 、和 D 四个选项中 , 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 One day, a poor boy, named Howard Kelly, was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door. He was hungry, 61 ____ he decided to beg something to eat. When a young woman opened the door, instead of a 62 ____ he asked for a drink of water. Thinking he looked 63 ____ she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it and then asked, “How much do I 64 ____ you?” “No, you don’t owe me anything,”she replied.“Mother has taught me 65 ____ to accept pay for a kindness.”Leaving that house, he not only felt stronger 66 ____, but it also increased his faith in God and the human race. He was about to 67 ____ before this point. 68 ____ later the young woman became seriously ill. The local doctors couldn’t cure her illness. They sent her to the big city, where specialists can be 69 ___ to study her disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now 70 ____, came for the consultation (会诊) . When he heard the name of the town where she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. 71 ____, he went into her room. 72 ____ in his doctor’s gown (罩衣) he went in to see her. He 73 ____ her at once. He went back to the 74 ___ and determined to do his best to save her case. Finally, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly asked a nurse to 75 ____ the bill to her room. She was afraid to open it 76 ____ she knew that it would 77 ___ the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked and read these words on the side of the bill. “Paid in full with a glass of 78 ____.”(Signed) Dr. Howark Kelly. Tears of 79 ____ flooded her eyes as she 80 ____ silently: “Thank you, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.” 61 . A. after B. so C. however D. before 62 . A. cent B. dollar C. meal D. drink 63 . A. sick B. poor C. hungry D. tired 64 . A. pay off B. pay back C. owe D. lend 65 . A. always B. seldom C. never D. often 66 . A. physically B. mentally C. healthily D. spiritually 67 . A. give up B. give away C. give in D. give off 68 . A. years B. Months C. Weeks D. Days 69 . A. called in B. called on C. called at D. called up 70 . A. rich B. old C. famous D. busy 71 . A. Slowly B. Immediately C. Pleasantly D. Surprisingly 72 . A. Covered B. Had C. Dressed D. Put 73 . A. knew B. saw C. recognized D. realized 74 . A. waiting room B. office C. meeting room D. consultation room 75 . A. give B. bring C. send D. carry 76 . A. but B. because C. even if D. in case 77 . A. spend B. take C. use D. afford 78 . A. tea B. coffee C. water D. milk 79 . A. sadness B. pride C. joy D. interest 80 . A. said B. shouted C. sighed D. prayed IV . 阅读理解 阅读下列短文 , 从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、 B 、 C 和 D) 中选出最佳选项。 A Students often want to practice their English outside class. One of the best ways to practice your English is to speak to a foreigner. You may ask,“Is it okay to try to talk to foreigners I see in the street?” The answer is yes and no, but probably no! If you see a foreigner who looks lost, it is polite to ask him,“May I help you?”But, otherwise, you should probably let them get on with their business. Situations, however, do exist where it is quite all right to talk to foreigners. If a foreigner enters your school, classroom, office, shop or restaurant, for instance, feel free to ask him (for example): What is your name? Where do you come from? What do you think of Beijing? How long will you stay in Beijing? There are also situations where it’s okay to talk to foreigners in public places. If you see a foreigner alone in a restaurant, bar or coffee shop, it may be appropriate to ask him or her: Is this seat free? Do you mind if I talk to you in English? You can probably help them if they are new in China and if they are alone, you may be able to make them feel more welcome. After a few such questions, you should know whether this person wants to talk to you or not. If they ask you similar questions, or if they give long, informative answers, you’re in luck. If not, then give them their privacy. Talking to strangers is fun if you choose the right time and place. 81 . It is the best way to practice your spoken English with ________. ..A. Japanese B. Americans C. our classmates D. French people 82 . From the second paragraph we can get to know that ________. ..A. it is polite to stop a foreigner to talk with him in the street ..B. it is polite to interrupt foreigners in a conversation ..C. it is impolite to interrupt a foreigner when he or she is on business ..D. it is impolite to help a foreigner find his way 83 . When you first meet a foreigner, you should say “________” ..A. Where are you going? B. Have you eaten your dinner? ..C. Can you help me with my English? D. Nice to meet you. 84 . The writer suggests to us that we should ________. A. follow the foreigners when we meet them in the street ..B. talk with a foreigner in an accepted way ..C. have a meal with foreigners in a restaurant ..D. move to a place where a foreigner lives 85 . This passage comes from a newspaper in column ________. ..A. Sports B. Health C. Language D. Business B If you were dive deep into the ocean, you would notice the colors act strangely as you move deeper into the water. At first before you’ve gone very far down, the colors will seem normal. But as you dive deeper, you begin to wonder where all the warm colors have gone. You try to catch sight of reds or yellows or oranges. Then as you sink still farther, you will see only blues and purples (紫色) . Soon these, too, begin to lose colors as you go down. Now, far below the surface of the water, you will find yourself in a grey (灰色) , colorless place. The water above you is filtering out all of the sunlight’s rainbow (彩虹) of light. If you continue to go down, you will soon be far below the surface that no light can reach you. The blackness will become so complete that your eyes will ache to see something, then anything. Now you are ready to return to the surface, with its changing colors. 86 . As a person dives deeper, he can see the colors ________. ..A. remain the same B. disappear ..C. change D. become lighter and lighter 87 . Which of the following is the color you will see later as you go deeper? ..A. Normal color. B. Red. C. Orange. D. Purple. 88 . Why will your eyes ache when the blackness becomes complete? ..A. The water is too cold. B. Something is seriously wrong with your eyes. ..C. Your eyes are looking for any sign of light. D. You have stayed too long in the water. 89 . How do you feel when you’ve dived deep enough and everything becomes dark? ..A. You are eager to dive deeper. B. You want to go on diving to the bottom of the ocean. ..C. You are anxious to return to the surface. D. You feel relaxed (放松) in the quiet darkness. 90 . On you way back, you will see colors change ________. ..A. from red to black and orange B. from purple to orange and red ..C. from purple to grey and yellow D. from yellow to orange and blue
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