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The heaviest snow in a hundred years hit the south of China. It snowed __ 36_ __for half a month. Many people were __37___in railway stations, bus stations and airports. People did everything they could to fight the __38___; nobody was killed from cold and _39____. Gradually ,the trapped people all went back home_40___. While fighting the snow, people ___41__their animal friends until a moving story of a swallow(燕子) couple appeared on the Internet. The couple hadn’t eaten anything for several days __42___the snow. They tried to fly into people’s home to warm themselves, but every house was ___43___tightly(紧紧地). They got to a side of a balcony ( 阳台 ) where wind couldn’t reach. They jumped and flapped (拍打) their wings(翅膀) to _44___the attention of the people inside the house, who were __45____their own things. The wife’s body was __46___. She couldn’t move any longer. The husband came near and __47__her with his wings. The husband lost his heat soon because of his opened wings. The next morning, the housemaster went to the balcony to __48__ his flowers and saw a dead swallow outside. __49__ it, he found they were two embracing(拥抱) together. Thinking of the __50___the snow had brought to people, he was moved to tears . He took them in for giving them some _51___they couldn’t feel any longer. He found a small box, __52__it with some hay (干草)and lay the couple in . He _53__them in the garden of the community(社区). In my hometown in the countryside, a swallow family live in the roof of my house . They __54__every spring to have babies. Then in autumn, when babies have __55___, they fly to the south, I wonder if they will come back this spring as they did. 小题1: A.beautifully B.directly C.gently D.continuously 小题2: A.forbidden B.rescued C.trapped D.covered 小题3: A.disaster B.war C.campaign D.disease 小题4: A.anger B.heat C.hunger D.poverty 小题5: A.sadly B.safely C.nervously D.curiously 小题6: A.treasured B.invited C.accepted D.forgot 小题7: A.because of B.in case of C.in spite of D.instead of 小题8: A.controlled B.fixed C., stretched D.closed 小题9: A.admit B.attract C.turn D.escape 小题10: A.busy with B.born with C.good for D.famous for 小题11: A.burnt B.watched C.frozen D.found 小题12: A.supplied B.wrapped C.folded D.sorted 小题13: A.buy B.send C.sell D.check 小题14: A.Feeding B.Leaving C.Touching D.Greeting 小题15: A.hardship B.childhood C.cooperation D.lesson 小题16: A.clothes B.warmness C.flowers D.tension 小题17: A.made B.played C.associated D.filled 小题18: A.buried B.showed C.fastened D.enjoyed 小题19: A.put away B.come back C.fly away D.hold back 小题20: A.dropped out B.died out C.grown up D.stood up
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