【单选题】Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behavior such as poor eating habits, which ____ increases the risk of heart disease. [ ]
【单选题】Stressful environment leads to unhealthy behaviors such as Ix)or eating habits, which ______ increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
【单选题】执行如下代码片段后,num的值为: int num = 5; num = (num % 2) == 0 ? num – 1 : num + 1;
【单选题】Stressful environment leads to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which _____ increase the risk of heart disease.
【单选题】与 405° 角终 边相同 的角 的集合 可表示为 ( )
{α|α=225 ° + k˙ 360 ° , k ∈ Z }
{α|α=135 ° + k˙ 360 ° , k ∈ Z }
{α|α=45 ° + k˙ 360 ° , k ∈ Z }
{α|α=-45 ° + k˙ 360 ° , k ∈ Z }