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Directions: Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with the name of the appropriate country or area from those given below, and see cultures differ in homes. German European Sweden French Italy Spanish Latin American the Middle Eastern the U.S North America Home is one of the places where we can discover some basic cultural differences, for that is just where we begin to be shaped and molded into members of our culture. Middle- and upper-class people in ____ 1 ____, and in much of ____ 2 ____,are very proud of their large homes (large by comparison with houses in Europe and elsewhere). Their homes are their castles. They want to show visitors around these homes, where there are often individual rooms for each of the children. This “showing off” is a practice considered highly unusual in most other parts of the world. In this practice, U.S. desire for privacy competes with the U.S. need for flaunting its possessions. The ____ 3 ____ concept of self requires a wide area of privacy, which is often formal and regimented. Doors, hedges, fences: these physical features of a German home reflect an emphasis on privacy, which is pervasive throughout German life. In German houses, doors are firmly shut between rooms to suggest the need for personal space and individual privacy. The ideal German house has an entrance hall that leads visitors into the house without showing specific rooms and spoiling the family’s privacy. It is an honor to be invited into a German home; this does not frequently happen to foreigners, who are usually viewed with suspicion. Pieces of furniture are heavy and placed far apart, so that personal space is maintained during conversation. Formal interactions — not relaxed, happy-go-lucky conversations — are common. Heavy drapes prevent prying eyes from the outside from seeing in. Germany is similar to many other northern ___ 4 ____ countries, including Scandinavian countries and England. In these including Scandinavian countries and England. In these countries, people living next to each other are not necessarily expected to interact unless they have already met socially. “Dropping in” is simply not an option; you are considered very rude if you do not call in advance to arrange a visit in countries like England, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland, Norway, and Denmark. Even in Austria, where there is a customary visiting hour at 3:00 pm, you still must call in advance. Only in ____ 5 ____ can you drop in unannounced — and this can occur just in the countryside or at summer homes, never in the city. In most of these northern European countries, don’t expect the grand tour of the host’s home. Unlike the informality and openness found in the United States, northern European privacy dictates that you will not get to see most of the rooms of the house. ____ 6 ____ people do not particularly like foreigners as a whole and are elitist, proud, and somewhat sensitive. Never drop in unannounced to a home in France, no matter how well you think you know the hosts. If you are invited to a home in France, there will be no tour of the house. French people do not want guests wandering everywhere inside the house or outside it. Guests are usually received in the living room, with the doors to the other rooms closed. Thus, though personal space for individuals is often very minimal, the French maximize privacy in their homes. French people — like Germans — can live next to neighbors for years and still have no relationship with them at all. Living near people is no reason to strike up a friendship. The French do not want overnight guests making loud noises or bathing late at night, because they are concerned about what the neighbors think, even if they do not know the neighbors! As in less traditional homes in the U.S., it is good for guests in a French home to volunteer to help with the dishes or with preparing a meal, even if the offer is refused. In ___ 7 _____, the next-door neighbor of France, things are different. You can drop in anytime without calling first, except for the resting hours of 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Many Italian families are much more comfortable with drop-in guests than French families are. Privacy and formality are not as important to Italians as to the French. Italians are legendary for their warmth and friendliness. ___ 8 _____ people, despite their lack of need for personal space, demand their domestic privacy. They are not as carefree about visitors as Italians. Spaniards prefer that you call ahead to make sure it is convenient to visit. Normal visiting hours are 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. It is not good to visit immediately after lunch, when many people are resting. An invitation to a Spanish home is very special. Spanish people rarely invite foreigners to their homes until they know them well. They think carefully before inviting people and are very formal when they offer the invitation. Physical closeness (lack of personal space) is the norm in ____ 9 ____ countries, just as it is in Mediterranean countries. People in most Latin American countries feel comfortable if guests drop in without warning. In fact, the more guests the better, some people feel! Guests are greeted warmly, often with hugs and kisses. Do not be surprised if you are asked to stay for a full meal even if you have just come by for a chat. Many middle-class and upper-class Latin American homes have maids, so the hosts do not expect (or want) the guests to take the plates off the table after dinner or to offer to help do dishes or cook; thus, the kitchen area is not a popular place for guests. The dining room is one of the favorite spots, because it’s where people communicate easily and well. Latin Americans are happy enough showing you around if you demonstrate an interest, but they do not feel any great compulsion to do so (as many people in the U.S. often do). In most homes of ____ 10 ____ countries the salon is usually the room farthest away from all others, and the closest to the door leading to the outside. Actually, in older buildings, a door leading to the outside opens directly into the salon or guest room on one end and another door opens to the inside of the home. In such a layout the guest knocks at the door and is either led into the salon through the home or asked to please wait until the other door leading immediately to the salon is opened for him. This behavior reflects two of the most important cultural values of the area. The first is the concern with the concept of face, facades, and appearances. The guest is exposed only to the most shining, formal, and stylized part of the home and gets to meet only the members whom the family intends for him to meet. On the other hand, relationships in the Middle East reflect great concern with guest-host relationships. The host is expected to welcome guests and provide hospitality. He should keep the image of an open house.Thus, in receiving the guest in the most distinguished part of the home and in having him meet only the members of the family dressed for the occasion, the guest is honored and the family status is reflected.
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