【单选题】Sigma Inc., a software firm based in California, reordered 50 printers from the designated provider without any modifications. This is an example of ________.
【多选题】男性患者,46岁,幼年曾患麻疹。反复咳嗽、咳痰10年,常于晨起或夜间睡眠时咳大量黄痰,此次咳嗽加重,痰量增多,伴有发热,间断咯血5次,每次咯血量约30毫升,查体:体温38℃,脉搏100次/分,双下肺可闻及粗湿啰音,血常规提示白细胞11×10 9 /L,中性粒细胞85%。
【单选题】The purchase decision that requires the least effort and is often made quickly is a(n):
【单选题】A company has reached the end of a contractual agreement with a vendor and wants to open it up for bid again before signing a new contract. This type of purchase situation is a:
joint demand purchase.
【单选题】常用放射性核素131I的物理半衰期为?( )
【单选题】If a potential vendor offers what is perceived by a member of the buying center to be a better buy, the company may want to revisit the purchase decision. This type of situation is typically a:
joint demand purchase.