【单选题】Retail firms analyze consumer sales trends and user preference through internet user data,This belongs to ()application area.
artificial intelligence
【单选题】Although logistic cost is an essential constituent of all online goods order, ( ) is on the list of items that can be given out at no charge to influence consumer preference.
【单选题】型孔轮式排种器主要由种子箱、( )、护种器和刮种器等组成。 prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace>
【简答题】在建设电子商务网站过程中,多个域名可对应一个 IP ,即在一台主机上可架设多个网站,这些网站的存放方式称为 方式。
【判断题】Revealed preference analysis tests the behavioral hypothesis that a consumer chooses the most preferred bundle from those available. Discover the consumer's preference relation.
【判断题】The posts from social media such as blogs or Facebook "fan" pages give an informative account of consumer perception and preference with regard to the problem at hand.
【多选题】无差异曲线这一术语的含义是,同一条曲线上的每一点所显示的货币收入与闲暇时间组合所带来的总效用或满足程度都是相同的。他具有的特征是( )。
【简答题】\t· You work in a washing machine company. You are asked to write a short report about consumer preference for the features of automatic washing machines in different countries.\t· Read the following ...