【判断题】硅酸盐水泥熟料的矿物成分中,对强度贡献最大的是C 3 A。( )
【判断题】Cervantes is recognized as the father of the modern European novel and has had great impact on world literature. His masterpiece Don Quixote was a parody satirizing a very popular type of literature a...
【判断题】硅酸盐水泥熟料的矿物成分中,对强度贡献最大的是C 3 S。( )
【单选题】His return from abroad will have great impact on the political world.
【判断题】运输包装上的标志是指运输标志,也就是通常所说的唛头。( )
【判断题】The large number of failures among EC companies in recent years provides proof that electronic commerce is a passing fad which will have little long-term impact on world business.