【简答题】Read the article. Clara Furse is not a big woman, but she has a big job: chief executive of the London Stock Exchange. It is one of the biggest exchanges in the world – $504 billion in shares is...
【单选题】Which of the following is not a major factor influencing Canadian economy?
Its unfavorable climate
Its physical geography
The powerful neighboring American economy
Government’s intervention in the economy
【简答题】去年夏天,广西贺州发生水体镉、铊等重金属污染事件,危及当地及下游广东地区饮水安全。发生污染事故的贺江支流马尾河段竟有数百家小作坊式的采矿选矿企业,其中很多都没有经过注册审批。为深刻吸取贺江水污染事件教训,广西制定了《全面深入开展环境安全隐患大清查大整治行动方案》,要求各市县检查工作由当地政府领导带队,实行谁带队检查,谁在检查结果报告上签字负责,今后出问题就向谁问责的原则。 结合上述材料,谈谈如何才...
【判断题】The power of the Canadian economy is arguably in the export of natural resources.
【判断题】Canadian economy is now comprised of mainly two parts: good-producing industries and service-producing industries.
【判断题】Canadian economy is dominated by the service industry.
【单选题】Which of the following is not the factor that affects Canadian economy?