【单选题】原材料的取得方式有 A.接受投资 B.自制 C.接受捐赠 D.盘盈 E.委托加工个试
【单选题】Kasia is taking her ______ tour of the shops in search of bargains.
【简答题】Task 3 Mary Kay Inc., one of the largest direct sellers of skin care and color cosmetics ( 化妆品 ) in the world, achieved another year of record results in 2003, reaching nearly $1.8 billion in wholesal...
【简答题】Why does the woman advise the man the sublet? [A] Because it's convenient. [B] Because the man doesn't need to spend money on furniture. [C] Because the company can save money in the long run. [D] Bec...
【简答题】求下列均匀密度物体的重心: (1) z≤1-x 2 -y 2 ,z≥0; (2) 由坐标面及平面x+2y-z=1所围的四面体.
【判断题】Selling goods from the company’s official website is a direct marketing channel. ( )
【简答题】求下列各曲面所围立体的体积: (1)z=xt,x+y+z=1及坐标面y=0,x=0; (2)z=x 2 +2y 2 与z=6-2x 2 -y 2 .
【单选题】近年来,赤潮在我国时有发生,当赤潮发生时,海水中的某些微小浮游生物大量繁殖,使水体呈红,紫等颜色,并对生物造成危害,完成6到7题。 下列说法中不正确的是