【简答题】Can you find the number which comes next in this sequence? 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 ?
【单选题】Why does TCP use a sequence number in the header?
To reassemble the segments into data
To identify the application layer protocol
To indicate the number of the next expected byte
To show the maximum number of bytes allowed during a session
【单选题】A sequence of any number of characters enclosed in the double queotes“”is called a character ______.
【单选题】The advantage of the Gray code over the straight binary number sequence is that
only one bit in the code group changes in going from one number to the next.
two bits in the code group changes in going from one number to the next.
three bits in the code group changes in going from one number to the next.
four bits in the code group changes in going from one number to the next.
【判断题】宝玉在太虚幻境看到了金陵十二钗正册、副册、又副册,其中鸳鸯属于 ( 副册 )
【单选题】Suppose host A sends host B one TCP segment with sequence number 418, acknowledgement number 571, and 4 bytes of data. Then the sequence number in the acknowledgement to this segment is ________
【简答题】(本题表格为寒假作业第 3 题,请在作业本上自批) 第五回宝玉梦游太虚幻境,见到一副对联“假作真时真亦假, 1 ”,看到“金陵十二钗”的各种册子,里面有画有判词,暗示了人物命运。喝的茶为“千红一窟”、酒名“万艳同杯”,分别谐音 2 , 3 。然后听了十二支曲子,这些曲子和金陵十二钗(正册)中的人物对应关系为: 人物 曲子 钗、黛 终身误 黛玉、宝玉 枉凝眉 贾元春 恨无常 贾探春 分骨肉 史湘云 ...
【单选题】Each ________ includes a field that holds the sequence number of that frame plus a field that holds the sequence number used for acknowledgment.