【判断题】17判断Viscosity refers to the ability of a material to return to its original, initial size & shape once an external load or force is removed.
【简答题】丝网印刷时对叠色印刷的产品,为了保证牢度的要求尤其是紫外线固化油墨不可以对其产品( )干燥,防止叠加上的油墨因底色过度而产生脱落。
【单选题】图中的 a、b分别代表细菌和真菌,阴影部分代表它们之间的共同点,属于阴影部分的是
【单选题】Imagism refers to the poetic movement from 1912 to 1917 that advocated a return to the focus of details of the subject, a directness of presentation, the economy of language, and __________.
Victorian meter and rhymes
deprivation of traditional verse forms
restricted choices on its theme