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Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section , there is a passage w ith ten blanks . You are required to select one w ord for each blank from a list of choices gi v en in a w ord bank follo w ing the passage . Read the passage through carefully before making your choices . Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter . Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the Ans w er Sheet . You may not use any of the w ords in the bank more than once . Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage. There are great many careers both for men and women in which the increasing __ 36 __ is on specialization , rather than on generalization. You can find these careers in engineering , in production , in statistical work , and in teaching. But there is an increasing demand for people who perhaps know not too much about one __ 37 __ field. There is , in other words , a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees , of making general judgments. And these generalists are particularly needed for positions in administration , where it is their job to see that other people do the work , where they have to __ 38 __ for other people , to organize other people's work , to begin it and judge it instead of __ 39 __in it by their own. The specialist __ 40 __ one field; his concern is with technique and tools. He is a trained man , and his educational background is properly technical or professional. The generalist , however , deals with people; his concern is with __ 41 __ , with direction giving. He is an educated man , and the humanities are his strongest __ 42 __.Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an ideal generalist as well as a good specialist in a particular field. Any organizations need them in different proportions. It is tremendously difficult task to find out , during your training period , which of the two kinds of jobs you fit , and to plan your career __ 43 __.It is also your task not to look upon first job as the final job; it is __ 44 __ a training job , an opportunity to understand yourself and your fitness for being an employee. Of course , to change one's job constantly will be __ 45 __ as inability to hold any job. It would become a very sad thing indeed. A) primarily I) enduring B) determines J) limited C) emphasis K) entertain D) particular L) accordingly E) understands M) leadership F) plan N) foundation G) considered O) environment H) participating Section B Directions: In this section , you are going to read a passage w ith ten statements attached to it . Each statement contains information gi v en in one of the paragraphs . Identify the paragraph from w hich the information is deri v ed . You may choose a paragraph more than once . Each paragraph is marked w ith a letter . Ans w er the questions by marking the corresponding letter on the Ans w er Sheet. Revealing the Authorship of A Cuckoo's Calling A) In July , I received an email from a reporter for London's Sunday Times asking if I could help them solve a mystery. The reporter had received a tip that J . K. Rowling had secretly penned a novel under a pen name : The Cuckoo ' s Calling , by Robert Galbraith , who was described as a former member of the Royal Military police , and whose novel had grown “directly out of his own experiences and those of his military friends.” The tip was at least plausible. Rowling and Galbraith had the same agent and editor. The book was unusually accomplished for a supposed first­time novelist. And Galbraith , a man who had apparently spent years in uniform , was surprisingly good at describing women's clothing. But hard evidence was still lacking. The reporter wanted to know what the computer program could determine. B) Over the past decade , I have developed a computer program to analyze stylometry , the study of writing style , based on literally millions of different features. This program will take a sample of writing and determine , on the basis of similarity , who among a set of authors was most likely to have written that sample. As we know , language use is a set of personal choices. For example , the English language provides a tremendous number of choices for words to describe something bigger­than­big , words such as “ huge ,” “ giant ,” “ enormous ,” or “colossal.” Writers can choose to express an idea with a few precise words or a bunch of common , general ones , and similarly to break a complicated idea—or not—into bite­sized simple sentences. We're not even conscious of many of these choices. C) Interpreting these results can be tricky , but simple statistics can illustrate how tight this match is. First , all of the authors except for Rowling were clearly excluded by at least one test. Whoever the author of Cuckoo was , it wasn't Ruth Rendell. With four authors , a randomly chosen author would be equally likely to be closest to James as to McDermid , or just as likely to be distinct from Rendell as Rowling. If the author wasn't any of the four , she would be just as likely to be “close” to Galbraith (meaning one of the top two likely authors in the list) as “distant” (the third or fourth candidate) . D) For this study , the reporter and I selected a Rowling novel and stories by three similar novelists (all British female crime novelists : Rowling's own The Casual Vacancy , Ruth Rendell's The St . Zita Society , P.D. James' The Pri v ate Patient and Val McDermid's The Wire in the Blood ) to see which one was most similar to Galbraith. Across these four analyses , Rowling was the only writer to consistently match styles. Val McDermid , for example , used word pairs in a very similar way to Galbraith , but her use of long and short words was highly unlike Galbraith. Word length distribution was similar to Rowling or to James. E) One variable that I used , for example , is the distribution of word lengths. Each novel has a lot of words , each word has a length , and so one can get a convincing description that such­and­such percent of the words in this document have exactly so many letters. Another feature was the 100 most common words. What percentage of the document were “ the ” what were “ of ,” and so on. This is again a rich data set that is easy to extract by computer. Finally , I ran two tests based on authorial vocabulary. The first was on the distribution of character 4­grams , groups of four neighboring characters. These could be words , parts of words or even parts of two words. I also ran on word bigrams , pairs of neighboring words again a feature with a good track record. One advantage of this approach is unfortunately also a disadvantage. With thousands of features tracked , it's difficult to point to any small set of features and say “these are what make this like Rowling.” Stylometry , like sports , is often a game of inches. F) It is important to decide carefully what kinds of similarities to look at .Not all choices are created equal; some choices (such as word length) are easier to notice , control , and change than others (such as the use of prepositions) . It's often better to examine many different features than only a few , and to run many analyses to see if they agree. For this analysis , I chose four separate groups of features that have been shown to provide useful information about authorship. Just as importantly , they are also relatively independent of each other , so they provided cross­checks on each other. G) The program I developed , JGAAP (Java Graphical Authorship Attribution Program) does a mathematical analysis of the degree of similarity across a huge number of features , far too many for any human analyst to keep track of. JGAAP can keep track of every word in a set of encyclopedias. By looking at Galbraith's language choices , the program could quantify the degree of similarity between Rowling and Galbraith. If they were completely different , this could effectively rule out Rowling as an author and discredit the tip. If they were very alike , especially in comparison with other authors of the same type , it would show she was a likely author. While this wouldn't prove that Rowling had written it , it would be a strong form of objective evidence. H) Did this “prove” Rowling's authorship? Of course not. Even DNA can't do that; a DNA match simply means that the person of interest or someone with similar genes , possibly a family member , was involved. Stylometry is much less reliable and accurate than DNA — after all , your DNA is constant and absolutely constant and unvarying throughout your life , but if two novels didn't vary at all , they'd be the same novel. All we really knew that this point was that it was either by Rowling herself , or by someone who wrote in a very similar style to Rowling .But this was enough information for the Sunday Times to approach her agent. On July 13,2013 , she admitted that The Cuckoo ' s Calling was her work , and that she had hoped , by publishing under a pen name , to get feedback without expectations. I) This technology is clearly a double­edged sword. If Rowling can be identified by computational analysis , what about whistleblowers? Is anyone safe from the modern equivalent of Sherlock's all­seeing eye? For the moment , yes. The person who truly violated Rowling's privacy was not my computer or even the Sunday Times reporter , but the tipster who suggested the investigation in the first place. It's simply not possible to look at every potential author to see who might have written a book; without old­fashioned detective work (and informants) , the haystack is still large enough that needles can successfully hide. 46. J . K. Rowling has made it known that she is the writer of The Cuckoo ' s Calling . 47. The English language has a tremendous amount of synonyms , words with the same meanings. 48. Robert Galbraith , the supposed writer of The Cuckoo ' s Calling , is reported to have been a policeman. 49. A bigram means two words used together in a
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