【简答题】4x^2-3y的一次项系数是 ,常数项是
【单选题】Who can get the job: Lucy, Li Gang or Sarah?
【简答题】A.class B.group C.crowd D.gang
【简答题】单项式 - 3 x 2 y 3 5 的系数是______,次数是______. 多项式-3x 2 y+6x 4 y 2 -0.5x+7最高次项是______,一次项的系数是______,常数项是______,这是______次______项式.
【多选题】择业和创业固然要考虑个人的兴趣和意愿,同时也要充分考虑现实的可能性和社会的需要,把自己对职业的 与 、现实的可能结合起来。
【单选题】Which statement about Jeanne Gang is NOT true according to the passage?
Gang is passionate about what her buildings look like.
Gang has a preference for light structure.
Gang has no interest for fame.
Gang had successfully designed many skyscrs before she set about designing Aqua.
【单选题】Gang members wear the tatoo of'Xs' to show their ___________. 查看材料