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Part I Listen to the song.(MTV视频在“资料“中也有) Simple Acts of Kindness - Give it a try.wmv Have you ever been touched by simple acts of kindness from strangers? Share your experiences with your group. (Open.) Script : A simple act of kindness A simple act of kindness found me. A simple act of kindness saved me. A simple act of kindness brought me home. Well I don’t know if you could see there was a soul inside of me. If not for the kindness of a friend, Well maybe now you couldn’t tell but I’d be just an empty shell. If not for the kindness of a friend, I know how dark a human heart can be out there. I was so far gone I thought that no one ever could see me. (Chorus) I would be a lost and broken man. If it weren’t for the reaching of a hand, I’d be on that dark and lonely road. A simple act of kindness brought me home. It wasn’t all that long ago I would have thrown away my soul, If not for the kindness of a friend, But now and then, I feel the sting of almost losing everything. If not for the kindness of a friend, I know how dark a human heart can be out there. But now I know compassion was the only thing I could figure. (Chorus) I would be a lost and broken man. If it weren’t for the reaching of a hand, I’d be on that dark and lonely road. A simple act of kindness brought me home. And now I’m glad I’m here and that I’m free. To pass along what someone gave to me. A simple act of kindness found me A simple act of kindness saved me. Part II Listen and Respond (音频在 “资料”中也有) Section A Word Bank In this section you will listen to a short passage about smile. The following words and phrases may be of some help. reaction n. [C; U ( to )] (a case or a way of) reacting; response [ 常与 to 连用 ] 〔对刺激等的〕反应;回应 a piece of cake infml sth. very easy to do 〖非正式〗容易(或轻松愉快)的事情 McDonalds n. trademark of a very famous fast food restaurant 麦当劳餐厅 horrible a . terrible 可怕的,令人恐惧的 homeless a . having no home 无家可归的 acceptance n. [C; U ( to )] the act of accepting or being accepted [ 常与 to 连用 ] 接受;收受;承认;认可 mentally ad. connected with or happening in the mind 智力上;心理上,精神上 retarded ★ adj. (especially of a child) slower in development or less able than others 〔尤指儿童〕(智力)发育迟缓的,弱智的 tray n. a flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood, with raised edges, used for carrying things such as plates, food etc (浅)盘,碟(子),托盘 warm up make warm 使暖和,使温暖 graduate vi. [( from )] obtain a degree, esp. a first degree, at a university [ 常与 from 连用 ] (从......)大学毕业;获得(学士)学位 unconditional a. not limited by any conditions 无条件的,无限制的 Section B Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas ▇ Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1. Before graduating from college, the speaker was asked to __________________. A) make a piece of cake for the class B) write down people’s response to her smile C) observe how people smile at each other D) act kindly to someone 2. While waiting for her turn to get her breakfast at the local McDonalds, the speaker _______. A) was ready to serve the two poor homeless men who smelled B) saw a terrible dirty man standing in the line C) found that a short gentleman was waiting for his meal D) noticed that a homeless man was smiling at her 3. The two poor homeless men went to the local McDonalds to __________________. A) warm themselves B) have their breakfast C) wait for someone D) search for a friendly smile 4. At the sight of the two homeless men, the speaker ______________. A) turned away from them to join her family B) ordered for them two cups of hot coffee C) bought them two breakfast meals D) asked them what they wanted to eat 5. After the speaker turned in her “project”, the speaker’s professor and her classmates _______________. A) had a heated discussion about smile B) exchanged their unusual experiences C) were deeply touched by her smile D) were greatly moved by her story Section C Task Two: Zooming In on the Details Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard. 1. The speaker is a mother of _______ and has recently completed her ______________. The last project the professor assigned to her to do was to go out and ____________________ and then write down their _______________. 2. Soon after she was assigned the project, she went with her family to the _________________ on a cold__________________. Just when they were standing in line, waiting to _________________, she smelled ___________________________. Two poor homeless men were also standing in line. They just wanted to _____________________ and ________, so they only asked for ___________. Obviously, it was all they could afford. 3. Then she was suddenly filled with ___________. All eyes in the restaurant were set on her, judging her ____________. She smiled and bought the two homeless men ____________ ____________. 4. She returned to college , with this _________ in hand. She turned in her “_________”. Her professor read it to the whole class. The whole class was ____________. She graduated with one of the biggest lessons she would ever learn — ________________________.
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