【简答题】Social networking has its enormous utility and enables friends to interact via means such as s, greetings and ______.
【单选题】(非谓语动词,时态)They rushed to the station only to find the train ______ already.
【简答题】Many times when people hear the words social networking, their brains automatically go to sites such as Twitter or Facebook.However, there are sites for those into social networking and into reading. ...
【单选题】党在民主革命时期,逐步认识到土地革命的极端重要性,形成了土地革命路线,这就是依靠贫雇农,团结中农,有步骤、有分别地消灭( ),发展农业生产。
【简答题】党在民主革命时期,逐步认识到土地革命的极端重要性,形成了土地革命路线,这就是依靠贫雇农,团结中农,有步骤、有分别地消灭( )制度,发展农业生产。
【简答题】细菌性痢疾是一种由细菌引起的疾病. (1)如图1所示的3种细胞结构,最有可能是细菌性痢疾病原体细胞结构的是______,你认为这种细胞是细菌的主要依据是______. (2)细菌性痢疾属于消化道传染病,主要通过______传播.其病原体经口进入消化道后,大部分被胃酸杀灭,人体的这种生理功能称为______免疫. (3)治疗急性细菌性痢疾往往需要口服或静脉滴注抗菌药物.若口服抗菌药物,药物到达小肠的...
【单选题】Based on the video clip, what can be a sign of a social networking addiction?
You prefer playing online games to hanging out with your friends.
You prefer quantifying your social life through social networking.
You can't function in your daily life well without social networking.